Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

Akhirnya beli domain lagi

Beli domain lagi nih, kemarin yang masih pagerank tiga kini beli yang ber pagerank dua saja, nanti insya ALLAH di optimasi dulu backlinnya menjadi pagerank tiga, kalau udah pagerank tiga tinggal deh di daftarin PTR di situs situs pencari dollar yang biasanya di tongkrongin.Kini konsen dulu dengan mengisi konten buat blog internet techno news ini.Nanti masalah konten blog saya carikan dulu di perpustakaan di daerh saya, kalau dalam keadaan terdesak ternyata tidak bisa mencukupi blog internet techno ini ya kita coba lagi dengan jalan jalan di perpustakaan kampus atau mungkin beli majalah untuk mengisi konten blog ini.

Masalah hosing telah saya putuskan untuk hosting di blogspot saja, lagian blogger dot com juga tidak kalah kok ama hosting yang berbayar, tergantung kita bagaimana utuk proses SEO nya.Saya malahan punya akun hosting di tiga tempat yaitu di dracoola, udwebhost dan bearwebhost. Ketiganya yang saya pakai saat ini hanya bearwebhost. Sebenarnya saya cukup kecewa denga pelayanan salah satu penyedia hosting di atas, namun mau apa lagi, yang telah terjadi biarlah terjadi. yang penting ke depannya bagaimana kita harus menyikapinya.

Domain ber pagerank ini saya beli dari salah satu teman saya di forum adsense, yah maklum saja, untuk medapatkan domain berpagerank yang seperti ini di luar sana harganya setelah di cek ternyata sangat jauh berbeda, apalagi dengan harga yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan harga domain register baru.semoga saja usaha online saya mengunakan domain ini tidak sia sia adanya. amien...


Concept behind the technology of spyware

concept of spywareconcept behind the technology of spyware ,This explains the concept of gray ware spyware.Current concepts grayware spyware is relatively new compared to other, yet not from the appearance after 10 years. But bad program, "virus" as the term "spyware" is a word image is very easy to spread the word, now "espionage (external transmission of the information gathered and illegal) make unauthorized programs" that are often used interchangeably. Therefore, in order to complement the initial concept of "gray ware" was born the term.

The first of the concept of grayware spyware is now no longer exists in the United States CONDUCENT TECHNOLOGIES TSADBOT advertising program created by a company. TSADBOT this program is only to display ads could be seen by itself, was a characteristic of their very own software distribution software makers in general, TSADBOT advertisers listed by incorporating The point was able to get the ad revenue

On the other hand, users can use free software to display ads instead was a model. This way, the user is free to use the software with your ad, I was able to choose whether to buy a version that does not display ads.

In 2000, around May 7, TSADBOT advertising programs such as Web information in a computer such as browsing history, and sent to external users without the consent of, the activity is a violation of privacy is not or has caused a stir and press. Thus, TSADBOT advertising programs, such as "spyware" and "adware" came to be suspected and known malicious programs, such as anti-virus vendor's response to each detected in each product. Trend Micro was also, "TROJ_TSADBOT" made a name found in detection.

However, for this detection were divided for and against. Most significant negative feedback, 挙Garimashita from the general population. TSADBOT user has earned the right to use the software free of charge by the activities. For example, the Web is fine if you can send information using information and free software in exchange for which they are browsing history, I was of the opinion that many users there. In addition, the program created by companies CONDUCENT TECHNOLOGIES is a software company in general, to detect whether the program was also not interfere in terms of sales. CONDUCENT TECHNOLOGIES TSADBOT which the company created an illegal purpose or not critical information is not sent to the facts revealed, such as antivirus vendors are now cease to respond to discovery.

Definition of malicious programs is to conduct user detriment. If TSADBOT, divided whether its activities for the disadvantaged and the user can respond categorically malicious program is detected as a result of that was not. This "spyware" in the term "illegal and is not necessarily conclude, the program may be considered a gray area penalty by the user" is defined as born.

Antivirus product is whether the program was illegal, it was determined to do more than just black or white, gray zone corresponds to detect the presence of spyware, such as was not possible. From this "anti-virus products can not support spyware" is a myth that there was even born. In fact, in each of the antivirus vendors are so we can respond to spyware product enhancements. If Trend Micro, to detect the user / settings and the ability to choose not to, even if forced removal by the discovery that do not incorporate such features, we support programs shades of gray.

Then, "spyware" impression from the term in its name as "illegal program to leak information" that grew increasingly used in the sense that. Therefore, the "gray zone by the user program may also be considered a disadvantage" for the "gray ware" made the term has reached the present.

In addition, coupled with social movements seeking the company's internal control and privacy, in a typical application vendor has been careful to obtain more information from the user, such as passwords or personal identifying information to obtain critical information is now clear to the user and that no license. As a result, you will say that the situation has been declining significance of the concept itself grayware.


Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Noda jerawat

Cara menghilangkan noda bekas jerawat -- jerawat memang terkadang sangat menjengkelkan, apalagi kalau jerawat itu hadir di bagian tubuh yang sangat kelihatan seperti wajah contohnya. Jerawat sebenarnya tidak akan mudah tumbuh jika kita menjaga kebersihan diri ( terutama wajah ) dan juga makan makanan yang banyak mengandung lemak, jadi bagaimana dengan orang vegetarian yang makannya hanya sayur? coba silahkan dilihat, pakah orang ang hana makan sayur itu berjerawat, sangat sedikit sekali orang yang hanya mengkonsumsi sayur sayuran itu memiliki jerawat.

Lalu bagaimana cara menghilangkan noda bekas jerawat?

Jerawat itu akan hilang dengan sendirinya jika kita tetap menjaga dan merawat kebersihan diri.Dan jangan lupa olah raga agar keringat dalam tubuh kita bisa keluar dan lubang kerigat itu nanti tidak tersumbat sehingga memunculkan jerawat lagi. Apakah kita harus membeli obat - obatan untu menghilangkan jerawat tersebut? saya rasa tidak perlu. Jadi yakinkan diri anda agar hidup alami saja tanpa obat, jika wajah mulus karena obat rasanya tidak akan cantik alami, malah wajah akan terlihat pucat.

Noda jerawat di wajah bisa hilang jika kit amembasuhnya tiap hari, tapi ingat bukan untuk menyentuhnya lho, jika disentuh mak jerawat akan makin membesar , dan nanti akibatnya noda jerawat bisa semakin besar, so, jangan terlalu memikirkan jerawat itu, karena jrawat hilang dengan sendirinya jika kita tetap menjaga kebersihan :)
